Betty Fay's World!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Growing UP

Well, at 57 years old.I'm still having to remind myself that growing up is a life long process. Several things have happened since last I posted...But, all in all what happens in our dailey lives has a help us grow...It's up to us how we receive the growth...I want to grow in the strength of the Lord...I know that He is my strong tower and that I can ALWAYS run to Him...I know that He is my strength and gets me through alot of things....Really, all things...I know that He is my fortress and my peace, and my all in all...Yet I have to let Him be these things to me...So here I am letting Him be...exactly what I need...Do I want answers? Yes...Do I want to know why? Yes...Do I always need to know what? Well, sometimes the TRUST factor has to weigh in and take over..."I know whom I've believe and am presueded that He is able to keep that which I've committed unto Him against that day" Do I waver in this? Well, yes. I'm only human...But bottom line..I believe that Jesus is who is says He is and I can always trust that He knows waht, when and where... Thank you Lord, for your constant, neverending love that you have already given to us in the form of your "only begotten Son"...Thank you for your long suffering with us and that you never give up on us...thank you that you love us inspite of ourselves and that your love is sincere...thank you that you are always trying to get through to us and showing us the love that we have in our families, our true family..I love you Lord and trust you with my life, my family, my finances and everthing in between..for you are the light of my path and the strength of my heart and the joy that comes ever time I look at what you have done not only in my life, but in everything that you have created...Help me to always see the beauty of you even in the tough things that we have to go through and to achieve the purpose you have mapped out for my life


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