Betty Fay's World!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Just Plain Blessed

I feel just plain blessed!!! My back is better and the day is good. Steve is gone his self and I pray that he has a great time and that he might catch a fish or two. We have had a couple of great weeks..we got to keep Tyler and Brody Friday nite and had a wonderful time...Man, they are sooooo cute and funny...The only mistake we made was turning off the ocean noise, Brody was restless and finally woke up enough to want to play...He was so cute, we laughed is our sleepy state at him..he was humming a song and clucking his tongue.. we would just start giggling at him..He finally went back to sleep around 3:30am, so we got some sleep..Tyler slept through it all.. We got up on Saturday and took Tyler to watch Bry play soccer. Tyler loved it..he got out on the field at the half time and was kicking that ball into the goal..he kept it away from the big boys and made a goal..he was very proud of him self..and of course the grandparents(that'd be me and steve) wer beaming for him and Bry, who did a great job with his team. The we got ready for the Bama game..I cooked spaghetti, salad and Mom made her from scratch buttermilk chocolate cake with fudge icing and we had a feast. Brett, Tonnie, Sierra, Luke, RB and Frankie came over. The game was good..we won..and Luke, Frankie(akagreat grandma) and I played skippo and Luke was so funny that Frankie was amazed. That was the most she had ever seen him in action with his little quirky funny personality..
Then on Sunday..I had my first Stars class and I had a know when you teach, you learn far more than you know and they girls are so much smarter that I am that I think I need a WHOLE lot of LONG prayers going up for me...We started out behind so we are gonna hit it hard and fast to get all their steps in before next please keep us in your prayers gonna need them to make it. After church on Sunday we had the annual awards program for the Missionettes at my house...Rojelia cooked for us and there was about 20 or so folks here and it was a good thing.. I love that serving God can be so much fun and that in the process you get to see young children grow and learn to do the right things...things that the Lord has mapped out for us all in His Word...I know that I will learn far more than they will. It's gonna be a fun year all the way, family and friends...I love you all. God Bless...'til next time.


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