Betty Fay's World!

Friday, August 28, 2009

At Last Again!

Well, here I am again. Let's see...Where do I begin....Humm-mm-mmmmmmmmmm...Well, I'm a lot older and have two more grandbabies since Jamie first set this blog up for me....I have had a hip replacement(Aug.26, 2008)...I had both ovaries removed on July 17,2008..Steve's Mom passed in July,2008. We had a lot going on in 2008..but guess what? We're still kicking.
I would say this has been one of the best summers for me... The grands have worn out the pool and that is fun watching them enjoy swimming and Tyler and Bryant have learned to swim without water wings this summer. Tyler took swim lessons and really has done well..He was so afraid...but now he's not. Bry just decided he had to learn in order to keep up with the older boys and Sierra...Now there's Sophie and Brody...They have no fear of the water and have to be watched VERY closely...They think they are kin to Flounder and Ariel...They are so cute, Brody will jump in before you can prepare to catch him and Sophie will swim on her back with her wings on....They are a sight...I LOVE IT!!!!
Also this summer I went to the "Pink House" and had a blast..We left on July 26...Hank, Jamie, Tres, Bry and Sophie went with me...The girls in my car and the boys in Jamie's car...We traveled down and got there around 6pm or so and the boys called us to say thy wanted to go straight to the beach(Jamie has posted pics from the entire trip) so the girls were left to unload and put up the food...UMMMM what's wrong with this picture? Just kidding....We went to the beach, ate out, shopped, went to the beach, ate out....well you get the picture..Now, Matt, Kayla, Tyler and Brody were already at the beach with KK and Papi, aunts, great aunt and uncle and cousins having a we were able to plan a 2nd birthday party for Sophie at the Back Porch (I told you it had been a while since I posted!). By Friday, Steve, Jennie, Sierra and Luke were headed down and got there around 6pm...They went to the beach for the sunset and Jamie got some great pics of that. Matt and Kayla were planning on leaving on we had the party for Soph on Sat. afternoon, everyone was there except Tonnie and Brett....They had to be there for church, But on Sunday after church..Tonnie and Lori headed down, while Steve, Jamie,Hank and the kids(not Sierra and Luke) were headed back... I had an afternoon with Luke and Sierra, while Ton and Lori were traveling. Tonnie and Lori stayed until Thursday, they left and I was ...ALONE... I usually do not like this position in life...I don't like to be alone even to go to the grocery store or to drive...well, anywhere....or anytime...but, this time I did like it..I really don't know why...maybe I'm finally growing up (HA HA)(that'll never happen) but for what ever reason...I was ok with it...I didn't even put a chair in front of the door this time... Steve got back down there on Friday afternoon around 4pm...We have not had a vacation alone since we got married in time coming...but we had a good time...sitting on the beach and eating at a different places everynite...laughing, playing cards, etc, etc...all in all a very relaxing time...can you believe that...Steve actually relaxing...Well, it's nice to finally see him do that. and then...
we had to come back to reality...get back to NP and all the wonderful things that make our life what it is....a Blessed and Happy(most the time) one..Any way that's a short (Ha!) re-cap of what's been happening in my life...not everything..but all for now..Peace out and have a good day, week and life....


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