Well, here I am again..having to remind myself that I do have purpose in my life and that it is up to me to seek it out...God gave me the common sense to know when I need to seek and find, yet, some how I seem to still wallow around in self pity..until I knock myself over the head with reality...It's sooooo easy to just sit and stay where you've landed..and the devil would have you stay there because you are of NO effect for the kingdom of,STOP IT!!! Get up off your duff and get busy...there isn't enough time to waste. Start simple...KISS...keep it simple stupid...for that is what you are for landing and staying put..get going, even if it's only to the end of the runway....then do it again until you can take off and fly...never give up and never stop trying...for in the stopping is failure and satan wins...don't let him win...KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!! Now get busy..the day is half gone and you have a lot to do....Lord, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me..Make me an instrument of your peace.Amen
Those things are hard to remember sometimes.
Angela, At
9:29 AM
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